Browsing Department of Professional Studies by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Hollywood and Africa Recycling the ‘Dark Continent’ myth, 1908–2020
(African Humanities Program, 2018)Negative imaging of Africa through the Dark Continent trope continues unabated in Western cultural productions. While colonial historiography has been successfully challenged by various professional historians on the ... -
Learners’ Attainment of Numeracy Skills, is Supervision Relevant? a case of Selected Districts in Acholi Sub-Region Uganda
(International Journal of Emerging Technology and Innovative Engineering, 2019)The study sought to analyse the monitoring and provision of support supervision on the learners’ level of attainment of numeracy skills in Acholi Sub-region Uganda. The study adopted the casual comparative research design ... -
Beyond Monuments: The politics and poetics of memory in post-war northern Uganda The politics and poetics of memory in post-war northern Uganda
(NISC (Pty) Ltd, 2023)Beyond Monuments: The politics and poetics of memory in post-war northern Uganda explores themes of war and peace, displacement and return, and remembering and forgetting, depicted as experiences of survivors of mass ... -
Towards More Sustainable Development
(ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e. V.), 2024)What is the role of multilateral organisations in delivering the Sustainable Development Agenda and what is the significance of Cultural Relations for this discussion? This report reflects the views expressed at the 2023 ...