Browsing Research Articles by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
An Empirical Analysis of Sovereign Credit Risk Co-movement between Japan and ASEAN Countries
(Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 2016)Japan is the most developed economy in Asia. However, it has been on record for being the most heavily indebted country among OECD countries. In many circumstances, the high sovereign debt level indicates a high possibility ... -
Women Beneficiaries of Functional Adult Literacy Speak Out: Opportortunies and Challenges for Socio-Economic Development in Apach District, Northern Uganda
(Joural of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2017)Women’s literacy is critical to addressing gender inequality, though, globally, only 88 adult women are considered literate for every 100 adult men. This article is an analysis of challenges faced by Ugandan women based ... -
Functional Adult Literacy: An Alternative Gateway to Grassroots Women’s Improved Income Generation in Lango Subregion, Northern Uganda
(Sage, 2017)This article presents findings of study on women’s experiences of Functional Adult Literacy (FAL) as a gateway to their financial progress and welfare in Lango region, Northern Uganda. The qualitative study of 45 participants ... -
Corporate and Strategic Information Disclosure and Earnings Management: Evidence from Listed Firms at the Uganda Securities Exchange
(Journal of Finance and Economics, 2019)The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of corporate and strategic information disclosure on earnings management among listed firms at the Uganda Securities Exchange. We conduct our survey on a census of 9 ... -
Effect of Corporate Disclosure on Earnings Management Among Listed Firms At The Uganda Securities Exchange: A Critical Evaluation and Literature Survey
(European Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Research, 2019)The primary purpose of this paper is to critically examine literature on the effect of corporate disclosure on earnings management among listed firms at the Uganda Securities Exchange. We discuss some background information ... -
Effect of Mandatory Disclosure of IAS/IFRS on Earnings Management Among Listed Firms At The Uganda Securities Exchange
(International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 2019)Prior research provides conflicting results on whether mandatory adoption IAS/IFRS deters or contributes to greater earnings management. On this basis, this study sought to examine the effect of mandatory disclosure of ... -
Voluntary Disclosure of Financial and Capital Market Data and Earnings Management: Empirical Evidence from Uganda
(Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis, 2020)This paper examines the effect of voluntary disclosure of financial and capital market data on earnings management among listed firms at the Uganda Securities Exchange. The paper is premised on the idea that the provision ... -
Financial inclusion: Is it a precursor to agricultural commercialization amongst smallholder farmers in Uganda? A comparative analysis between Lango and Buganda sub-regions
(Journal of Economics and International Finance, 2020)This study examines the contributions of financial inclusion in supporting agricultural commercialization amongst smallholder farmers in Uganda in Lango and Buganda sub-regions. The researcher adopted a comparative study ... -
Some Non-Linear Problems in Accounting and Finance: Can We Apply Regression?
(International Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 2020)Recent studies have indicated that many decision problems in accounting and finance can be better modeled by non-linear models in practice. However, existing literatures have also shown that managers and decision makers ... -
Professor’s Optimal Workload Problem and His Remunerations: A General Solution from Lagrangian Function
(International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 2020)The author proposed a general solution to professor’s optimal workload by using Lagrange method. University Management is treated as a utility maximizer, whose objective is to efficiently utilize professor’s teaching hours ... -
A Technical Note on New Applications of Lorenz Curves in Business Based on Pareto Principles
(International Journal of Applied Economics, Finance and Accounting, 2021)In this paper, the authors proposed new applications of Lorenz curves. Specifically, the authors demonstrated how Lorenz curve can be applied to display heterogeneities in values of some economic commodities. The economic ... -
Functional Adult Literacy: The Influence on Women’s Improved Health Promotion Behaviours in Apac District, Northern-Uganda
(Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021)This article is about women’s experiences of Functional Adult Literacy (FAL) as a means to their improved Health Promotion Behaviours in Apac District, Northern Uganda. The qualitative study of 29 participants aimed at ... -
Internal Control System and Revenue Collection in Local Governments. A Case Study of Lira District Local Government
(Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2021)The study assessed the effects of internal control system on revenue collection in Lira District local government. The main objective was to assess the effects of internal control system with emphasis on control ... -
Women’s Functional Adult Literacy and Access to Community Participation in APAC District, Northern Uganda
(International Journal of Education, Training and Learning, 2022)This article explores how Functional Adult Literacy (FAL) plays or fails to play a role in women’s community participation in Apac district, Northern Uganda. The article was underpinned by Freire’s literacy and Kabeer’s ... -
Functional Adult Literacy Levels: Relevance to Women’s Improved Income Generation in Apac District- Northern Uganda
(International Journal of Education, Training and Learning, 2022)This study explores the experiences of women about the levels of skills acquired by Functional Adult Literacy (FAL) -trained women and their ability to improve their financial status and well-being in Apac District, ... -
Financial Rewards and Employee Commitment in Local Governments in Apac Municipal Council
(European Journal of Business and Management, 2022)The aim of this study is to assess the effect of financial rewards on employee commitment of employees in Apac Municipal Council. The specific objectives of the study were as follows: to determine the effect of ... -
Training and Organizational Performance: A Case of Education Service Sector in Lira District Local Government
(European Journal of Business and Management, 2022)Abstract The study was conducted to examine the effect of training on employee performance in the education sector of Lira District Local Government (DLG). Specifically, the study investigated the effect of on-job training ... -
Contribution of Village Saving and Loan Association (VSLA) to HouseholdWelfare Improvement in Kole District- Northern Uganda
(European Journal of Business and Management, 2022)Abstract The study was conducted to examine the effect of VSLA loan activities on poverty reduction in Bala Sub-county. Specifically, the study examined the effect of lending modality on the household welfare improvement ... -
Adult Learning: An Alternative Gateway to Women's Improved Participation in Children’s Education in Lango Region, Northern Uganda
(International Journal of Education, Training and Learning, 2022)This research explored the contribution of Functional Adult Literacy training (FAL) and what it did to women’s involvement in children’s education in Apac District. The main objective of this study was to explore whether ... -
Microfinance Loans and Performance of Small and Medium Size Enterprises in Lira City, Northern Uganda
(Asian Journal of Sustainable Business Research, 2022)The study examined microfinanc e loans and the performance of small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) in Lira City. Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews and the design used was causal research designs ...