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dc.contributor.authorOkilla, Humphery Jimmy
dc.contributor.authorOpio, Ocheng Peter
dc.identifier.citationOkilla, H.J. , and Opio,O.P.(2023). Mobile Money Services and Performance of Mobile Money Operators in Apac municipalityen_US
dc.description.abstractBackground: The purpose of this study was to investigate the contribution of mobile money services on the performance of mobile money operators in Apac Municipality. Specifically, the study sought to: assess the operations of mobile money services in Apac Municipality, examine whether the relationship between mobile money service operators influence profit margins and to examine the contribution of mobile money services performance to mobile money operators in Apac Municipality. Method used: The study employed cross sectional research design; employed both quantitative and qualitative approaches from sample size of 86 respondents that was drawn using Krejcie & Morgan (1970).The study used questionnaires and interview guide as research techniques to collect quantitative and qualitative data from primary and secondary sources. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used. Quantitative data analysis was done using SPSS package version 23 while thematic and content analysis was employed to analyzed qualitative data. Findings: The study revealed that mobile money services included mobile payments, mobile financing and mobile banking. Majority of business owners relied on mobile money services as opposed to formal banking sector for their day to day transactions. Based on the above findings, the study concluded that mobile money services are helping to improve on the performance of mobile money operators in Apac Municipality. Finally, mobile money services had significant contributions on performance on mobile money operators in Apac Municipality. Recommendation: Based on the findings, the study recommended that the amount and rates charged on loans provided by telecommunication companies such as MTN and Airtel needs to be attractive so as to encourage more business to borrow from them. Keywords: Mobile Money, Services, Performance, Operators and Apac municipality.en_US
dc.publisherLira Universityen_US
dc.subjectMobile Moneyen_US
dc.subjectApac municipality.en_US
dc.titleMobile Money Services and Performance of Mobile Money Operators in Apac municipalityen_US

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