Helmet Use Among Commercial Motorcyclists: A Survey of Two Municipalities In Uganda
There is a worldwide apprehension that present-day motor driving schools are not producing drivers with the kind of awareness and abilities that they need to be useful on the road. This inadequacy has placed growing stress on authorities in the traffic management to improve the safety of motorcyclists by guaranteeing that road use transforms into a gratifying journey between destinations. Given the numerous complications and the proof of increased road carnage in Uganda, the emphasis of this article is on how authorities in Uganda can reduce on the road carnage for the road users on this century. The study adopts a desk appraisal method, supported by observations, as the means to interrogating hands-on interventions aimed at reducing road carnage on the Ugandan roads. For practical application of these interventions, it is proposed that helmet usage should become a precondition for every commercial motorcyclist using any road in Uganda.
- Research Articles [143]