Personal cash flow and household investments: A survey among primary school teachers in Lira city, mid-north of Uganda
This study sought to determine the effect of personal cash flow on household investments among primary school teachers in Lira City. The study was guided by three objectives, viz.: To determine the level of personal cash flow among primary school teachers in Lira city; to examine the level of household investments among primary school teachers in Lira city; and to determine the effect of personal cash flow on household investments among primary school teachers in Lira city. A cross-sectional survey design with a purely quantitative research approach was adopted using a study population of 168 primary school teachers and a sample size of 118 units. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect primary data while mean, standard deviation, correlations and regression were helpful in data analysis. The findings indicate a non-significant effect of cash flow on household investments. It is inferred that personal cash flow accounts for a very low effect on household investments among primary school teachers in Lira city. Consequently, primary school teachers should be exposed to financial education so that they can appreciate the significance of developing and using a financial plan to help them to achieve desired household investments which can generate more income, supplementing the salary which is their main source and it is important that among primary school teachers in Lira city prioritize short-term fiscal discipline in order to guarantee a future of financial freedom nurtured by streams of investment income from household investments.
- Research Articles [143]