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dc.contributor.authorEpila, Jackie
dc.contributor.authorDe Baerdemaeker, Niels J.F.
dc.contributor.authorVergeynst, Lidewei L.
dc.contributor.authorMaes, Wouter H.
dc.contributor.authorBeeckman, Hans
dc.contributor.authorSteppe, Kathy
dc.identifier.citationEpila, J., De Baerdemaeker, N. J., Vergeynst, L. L., Maes, W. H., Beeckman, H., & Steppe, K. (2017). Capacitive water release and internal leaf water relocation delay drought-induced cavitation in African Maesopsis eminii. Tree physiology, 37(4), 481-490.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe impact of drought on the hydraulic functioning of important African tree species, like Maesopsis eminii Engl., is poorly understood. To map the hydraulic response to drought-induced cavitation, sole reliance on the water potential at which 50% loss of xylem hydraulic conductivity (ψ50) occurs might be limiting and at times misleading as the value alone does not give a comprehensive overview of strategies evoked by M. eminii to cope with drought. This article therefore uses a methodological framework to study the different aspects of drought-induced cavitation and water relations in M. eminii. Hydraulic functioning of wholebranch segments was investigated during bench-top dehydration. Cumulative acoustic emissions and continuous weight measurements were used to quantify M. eminii’s vulnerability to drought-induced cavitation and hydraulic capacitance. Wood structural traits, including wood density, vessel area, diameter and wall thickness, vessel grouping index, solitary vessel index and vessel wall reinforcement, were used to underpin observed physiological responses. On average, M. eminii’s ψ50 (±SE) was −1.9 ± 0.1 MPa, portraying its xylem as drought vulnerable, just as one would expect for a common tropical pioneer. However, M. eminii additionally employed an interesting desiccation delay strategy, fuelled by internal relocation of leaf water, hydraulic capacitance and the presence of parenchyma around the xylem vessels. Our findings suggest that exclusive dependence on ψ50 would have misdirected our assessments of M. eminii’s drought stress vulnerability. Hydraulic capacitance linked to anatomy and leaf-water relocation behaviour was equally important to better understand M. eminii’s drought survival strategies. Because our study was conducted on branches of 3-year-old greenhouse-grown M. eminii seedlings, the findings cannot be simply extrapolated to adult M. eminii trees or their mature wood, because structural and physiological plant properties change with age. The techniques and methodological framework used in this study are, however, transferable to other species regardless of age.en_US
dc.publisherTree physiologyen_US
dc.subjectacoustic emissionsen_US
dc.subjectdesiccation timeen_US
dc.subjectdrought stressen_US
dc.subjecthydraulic capacitanceen_US
dc.subjecttropical seedlingsen_US
dc.subjectvulnerability curveen_US
dc.titleCapacitive water release and internal leaf water relocation delay drought-induced cavitation in African Maesopsis eminiien_US

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